Tag: Race
Prevalence of Uncorrected Refractive Error 14.6 Percent in Black Americans
In cohort of self-identified African Americans aged 40 years and older, prevalence of unmet refractive need was 5.4 percent
Deep Learning Improves Diagnostic Accuracy for Skin Diseases
Both specialists and generalists were 4 percentage points less accurate for diagnosis of images of dark versus light skin
Disparities Seen in Stroke Incidence for Indigenous, Non-Indigenous People
In countries with a very high Human Development Index, disparities are seen, although they vary
Racial, Ethnic Disparities Seen for Safety Events in Hospitalized Children
Largest disparities seen for postoperative sepsis for Blacks and for postoperative respiratory failure for Hispanics
CDC Restarts National Anti-Smoking Campaign, With Focus on Menthols
Race Can Affect Breast Cancer Test for Predicting Chemo Benefit
21-gene recurrence score may underestimate benefit of chemotherapy for young non-Hispanic Black women with ER-positive, axillary node-negative breast cancer
FDA Panel Addresses Accuracy Issues With Pulse Oximeters and Skin Tone
Panel concentrated on how to ensure the accuracy of pulse oximeters for all skin tones before they reach drugstore shelves
Incidence of Cervical Cancer Has Increased in Recent Years
Increase seen among non-Hispanic White women living in low-income counties, with significant increase in distant-stage cervical cancer
Racial Disparities Identified Among Pregnant Women With MS
White mothers more often employed and privately insured; birthweight lower for babies born to underrepresented women
Health Disparities in Cardiometabolic Disease Seen Within Racial Subgroups
Differences in prevalence seen among disaggregated race and ethnicity subgroups, with largest variation for diabetes