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Tag: Psychology / Mental Health: Misc.

Antidepressant Combos Compared to Monotherapy for Acute Depression


Combinations using an antagonist of presynaptic α2-autoreceptors may be an option for depression that does not respond to monotherapy

Illicit Amphetamine Use May Increase Risk for Psychosis


Decreased risk for psychosis seen in those receiving rehabilitation treatment for amphetamine misuse during deferred prosecution

Suicidal Thoughts May ID Teens With Treatable Psychosocial Problems


Findings based on corroboration between simultaneous teen, parent screening

Physician Mental Health Has Declined During the Pandemic


Findings show an increase in mental health, substance use-related visits among Canadian physicians

Self-Help Aids Quality of Life for People With Psoriasis


Findings show modest, but significant, benefit from either compassion-based or mindfulness-based self-help

Nearly Half of U.S. Adults Gained Weight During First Year of Pandemic


Significant predictors of pandemic weight gain were psychological distress, prepandemic weight, and children at home

Suicide Attempts Increased Among U.S. Adults From 2008 to 2019


But authors say use of mental health services is not increasing among those who attempt suicide

Survey Highlights Difficulties of Living With Bipolar Disorder


Struggles include finding the right medication and medication side effects

COVID-19 Survivors Overestimate Lingering Taste Impairment


Authors say validated psychophysical tests can better identify true burden of chemosensory dysfunction

Young Adults With Cancer Facing Psychological Distress During Pandemic


High psychological distress tied to lower quality of life, social isolation, impaired cancer care