Tag: Psychology / Mental Health: Misc.
ADHD Medications Linked to Reduction in Psychiatric Hospitalizations
Reduced risk for psychiatric, nonpsychiatric hospitalization seen with use of ADHD meds among adolescents, adults with ADHD
Multicomponent Intervention Aids Quality of Life With Overactive Bladder
Intervention included cognitive components and also improved frequency, urgency
2008 to 2020 Saw Increase in Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders
93.3 percent increase seen from 2008 to 2020 among privately insured people, with faster growth in 2015 to 2020 than 2008 to 2014
Coping Behaviors Improved Mental Well-Being in Adversity-Exposed Teens During Pandemic
Higher positive affect, lower perceived stress seen in association with caring for one's body, exercising, and engaging in healthy behaviors
Single Mindfulness + Compassion Session Aids Mental Health
Small delayed benefit seen for loneliness, but larger improvements seen in perceived stress
2006 to 2019 Saw Mental Health-Related Visits Increase for Adolescents/Young Adults
Increase seen in proportion of mental health-related visits and in percent of visits with prescription of psychotropic medications
Higher Adiposity Tied to Worse Mental Health
Findings seen for both body mass index and waist-height ratio with depression and well-being scores
Analysis Showed Maine Mass Shooter Had Blast-Related Brain Damage
Teens’ Experience With Climate Disaster Raises Risk for Mental Distress
Findings seen for exposure within the past five years, but not 10 years
Behavioral Health Disorders Linked to Worse Outcomes After Cancer Surgery
Patients with BHD are less likely to undergo resection and have increased odds of a complication