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Tag: Psoriasis

Psoriasis may be linked to excess weight and type 2 diabetes

Research Finds Link Between Psoriasis, Obesity, T2DM

A genetic link is one theory for the possible association, researchers say
For patients with psoriasis

Ustekinumab More Effective Than TNF-α Inhibitors in Psoriasis

Ustekinumab more effective than three tumor necrosis factor-α-inhibitors at six, 12 months
Psoriasis patients may face a higher risk of an abdominal aortic aneurysm

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Odds Up for Patients With Psoriasis

Those with severe psoriasis 67 percent more likely to develop an AAA
The incidence of psoriatic arthritis is 2.7 cases per 100 psoriasis patients

Incidence of Psoriatic Arthritis 2.7/100 Psoriasis Patients

Variables linked to PsA development include severe psoriasis, low level of education, retinoid use
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved its second-ever "biosimilar" drug

FDA Approves Inflectra as ‘Biosimilar’ to Remicade

For adults with Crohn's, rheumatoid arthritis, or psoriasis
For patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty

Psoriasis Does Not Worsen Total Hip Arthroplasty Outcomes

WOMAC OA Index scores for pain or function did not differ for patients with psoriasis, osteoarthritis
For patients with psoriasis

Anti-TNF Treatment Ups ANA Positivity in Psoriasis

Increased antinuclear antibody positivity, but no change in PASI-75 response rates
As the amount of psoriasis increases

More Severe Psoriasis Equals More Vascular Inflammation

Relationship held after accounting for other cardiovascular disease risk factors
Two experimental drugs

Two Experimental Drugs Promising for Psoriasis Rx

Targeted therapies produce significant results, researchers say
Regardless of severity

More Evidence Psoriasis and Depression Are Linked

But research doesn't prove one causes the other