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Tag: Psoriasis

Skin psoriasis and somatic comorbidity are associated with onset of psychiatric illness

Skin Psoriasis, Somatic Comorbidity Up Psychiatric Illness

Risk increased for patients with psoriasis with somatic comorbidity, but no synergistic association seen
From 1990 to 2017

1990 to 2017 Saw Increase in Prevalence, Incidence of Psoriasis

In addition, global burden of suffering related to psoriasis increased, with increases in YLDs, DALYs
The incidence of Alzheimer disease is significantly higher in patients with psoriasis versus individuals without psoriasis

Psoriasis Tied to Higher Alzheimer Disease Risk

Among psoriasis patients, those on systemic treatment had lower risk for Alzheimer disease
There are sex- and gender-specific differences related to clinical characteristics and quality-of-life measures in patients with psoriasis

Sex, Gender Differences in Psoriasis May Have Clinical Implications

Differences seen for both clinical and psychosocial characteristics
Patients with psoriasis may have a slightly increased risk for cancer

Psoriasis Linked to Increased Risk for Developing Cancer

Increased risk particularly seen with keratinocyte cancer and lymphomas
Four drugs have similar Psoriasis Area and Severity Index response rates for both short- and long-term treatment of plaque psoriasis

Several Drugs Have Similar Efficacy for Plaque Psoriasis

Findings based on meta-analysis of data for short- and long-term efficacy from 60 clinical trials
Biologics seem to be associated with greater reduction in psoriasis severity scores and higher drug survival rates than methotrexate in pediatric patients treated in a real-world setting

Biologics Tied to Greater Reduction in Pediatric Psoriasis

However, methotrexate remains an effective treatment for pediatric psoriasis
Prenatal tobacco exposure is associated with an increased risk for pediatric psoriasis

Prenatal Tobacco Exposure May Raise Risk for Pediatric Psoriasis

Exposure-response relationship observed for increasing quantities of cigarettes smoked daily
Obesity does not necessarily induce or contribute to familial psoriasis

Familial Psoriasis May Not Be Tied to Obesity

Patients with familial psoriasis were younger, had a lower BMI at diagnosis versus nonfamilial psoriasis
While the rate of thyroid dysfunction among patients with psoriasis generally is not higher than expected

Inflammation Linked to Thyroid Dysfunction in Psoriasis Patients

Patients with thyroid dysfunction and psoriasis have higher serum C-reactive protein levels