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Tag: Prescription Drugs

The U.S. epidemic of prescription opioid medication abuse may be starting to reverse course

Epidemic of Rx Opioid Abuse May Be Waning in U.S.

Heroin abuse/overdoses on the rise may be one reason prescription-drug abuse is down
The long-term effectiveness and harms of opioids for chronic pain are unclear

Major Risks of Long-Term Opioid Rx Deemed Dose-Dependent

In review, serious harms of long-term therapy seemed to depend on opioid dose
Male and female general practitioners prescribe analgesics to older patients in a similar manner but differ in their prescribing habits for antineuropathic pain drugs and symptomatic slow-acting drugs for osteoarthritis

Gender of Provider May Impact Pain Management Practices

GP prescribing behavior differs for antineuropathic drugs, symptomatic slow-acting drugs for OA
Evidence is insufficient for opioid use in chronic pain

NIH: Insufficient Evidence for Opioid Use in Chronic Pain

Insufficient evidence for every clinical decision that a provider needs to make about use of opioids