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Tag: Prescription Drugs

Methotrexate and cyclosporine have the lowest monthly cost for treating psoriasis

Methotrexate, Cyclosporine Least Costly Meds for Psoriasis

Infliximab, ustekinumab 90 mg most costly therapies based on number needed to treat to achieve PASI 75
Almost a quarter of opioids that are prescribed for chronic pain are misused

Misuse of Prescribed Opioids in One-Quarter

And about 10 percent of patients with prescriptions become addicted
Serious adverse drug reactions can occur after bromocriptine use in lactation inhibition

Serious Adverse Drug Reactions Still Occur With Bromocriptine

Most frequent ADRs were cardiovascular; misuse was identified in most of these cases
For younger patients with atrial fibrillation

Amiodarone Linked to Lowest Risk of Hospitalization in A-Fib

Lowest risk of atrial fibrillation hospitalization for amiodarone, greatest risk for dronedarone
For patients with prostate cancer

Androgen Deprivation Therapy Has Lasting Impact on Function

Physical side effects seen over first 12 months of ADT persist or worsen over 36 months of follow-up
Opioid-induced constipation is significant among noncancer pain patients

Opioid-Induced Constipation Significant in Pain Patients

Patients surveyed about laxative use, number of bowel movements
A pharmacist-led comprehensive medication assessment shows that a high number of older oncology patients use multiple and/or inappropriate medications. The findings were published online March 23 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Multiple, Inappropriate Meds Taken by Older Cancer Patients

A pharmacist-led comprehensive medication assessment can optimize meds
The best way to measure liquid medications for children is in metric milliliters

AAP: Use Only Metric Dosing for Children’s Medications

Using metrics, not teaspoons, reduces medication errors, American Academy of Pediatrics says
Apple eaters are less likely to need a prescription medicine

An Apple a Day May Keep the Pharmacist Away

No effect on doctor visits, but a slight decrease in need for prescription meds
When used to treat gestational diabetes

Glyburide in Gestational DM Linked to Complications

Associated with more infant intensive care and respiratory distress