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For patients with type 2 diabetes

Patient Satisfaction Up for Dulaglutide Treatment in T2DM

Improvement in patient satisfaction, decrease in perceived frequency of hyperglycemia
Daratumumab monotherapy has a favorable safety profile and encouraging efficacy in patients with heavily pretreated and refractory myeloma in a phase 1-2 trial. The results of the study were published online Aug. 26 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Daratumumab Monotherapy Promising for Multiple Myeloma

Findings in a phase 1-2 study of patients with relapsed myeloma or relapsed/refractory myeloma
For most atrial fibrillation patients taking warfarin who require temporary interruption for a procedure

Periop Bridging Unnecessary for Most A-Fib Patients on Warfarin

Arterial thromboembolism risk doesn't appear to rise without additional drug treatment
A proposal for identifying lower-cost generic biotech drugs has been released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

FDA Issues Proposal on Lower-Cost, Generic Biotech Drugs

All biotech drugs to carry a four-letter code to distinguish brand name, generic versions
Delay in epinephrine administration is associated with worse outcomes for children with in-hospital cardiac arrest with an initial nonshockable rhythm

Worse Outcomes for Children With Delay in Epinephrine

Findings among cohort of children with in-hospital cardiac arrest with initial nonshockable rhythm
Antiviral drugs may help protect people from developing Ebola after exposure to the virus

Antiviral Rx May Help Prevent Ebola, Small Study Suggests

Health care workers on antiviral regimen didn't develop disease after exposure
Discontinuing antihypertensive treatment in seniors with mild cognitive deficits does not improve mental functioning

No Cognitive Benefits Seen for Elderly Who Stop HTN Rx

Prior research suggests lower BP increases risk for cognitive decline in elderly
A higher

Weekly Leflunomide Effective for Early Rheumatoid Arthritis

Similar benefits seen with weekly 50 mg dose versus daily 10 mg dose
Nonselective beta-blocker use is associated with improved overall survival among patients with epithelial ovarian

Nonselective Beta-Blocker Use Ups Survival in Ovarian Cancers

Longer median overall survival for patients receiving any beta-blocker versus nonusers
Metformin may act via a predominantly lower bowel-mediated mechanism

Metformin Effects May Be Via Gut, Not Bloodstream

Dissociation of glycemic effect from plasma exposure with gut-restricted metformin