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Tag: Prescription Drugs

Between 2000 and 2009

Newborn Abstinence Sx Up, Tied to Increasing Prenatal Opioid Use

~14 to 22 percent of pregnant women in the United States are prescribed opioids
Nivolumab in combination with contact immunotherapy can successfully treat in-transit melanoma

Nivolumab, Contact Immunotx Treats In-Transit Melanoma

Two cases illustrate successful tx with nivolumab in combination with contact immunotherapy
Traditional-dose isotretinoin therapy is associated with higher overall costs than high-dose therapy

Higher Costs for Traditional-Dose Isotretinoin Therapy

Cost of repeat courses of isotretinoin with traditional dose outweighs increased medication costs
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia is infrequent in patients undergoing cardiac surgery

PF4/Heparin Antibodies Predict Mortality in HIT

Findings among patients with thrombocytopenia
Patients on hemodialysis often have drug orders that are not adherent to renal dosing recommendations

Dosing Errors Occur Frequently in Patients With Renal Failure

Primary factor for nonadherence to renal dosing is characteristics of medical institution
Excessive hair growth can occur after local administration of interferon-β treatment for malignant melanoma

Excessive Hair Growth Documented After IFN-β Tx

Patient received localized IFN-β treatment after resection of malignant melanoma on right thigh
Use of proton pump inhibitors may be linked to long-term kidney damage

Proton Pump Inhibitors Linked to Chronic Kidney Disease

While study can't prove cause-and-effect, increasing damage seen as dose rises
As many as two-thirds of new HIV infections could be prevented in men having sex with men if more men were tested for the virus

More Testing, Treatment Could Dramatically Cut New HIV Cases

Researchers say testing, treating, and providing preventive drugs are crucial
About half of patients with symptomatic esophageal eosinophilia have clinicohistologic remission with proton pump inhibitor therapy

Review Examines Efficacy of PPI Tx for Esophageal Eosinophilia

About half of patients with symptomatic esophageal eosinophilia have clinicohistologic remission
For patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer

ASCO: CTC Heterogeneity Predicts Hormone Tx Response in mCRPC

Patients with higher heterogeneity score did not respond well to hormone therapy