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Tag: Prescription Drugs

Mobile telephone text messaging may be a promising new way to improve adherence to medications for chronic diseases

Mobile Texts May Up Adherence to Meds for Chronic Illness

Meta-analysis shows mobile phone text reminders double the odds of medication adherence
Taking prescription opioids doesn't improve movement or reduce disability for patients with neuropathic pain

Opioids Don’t Ease Disability in Neuropathic Pain

Medications aren't useful in restoring motion, researchers say
HIV resistance to the antiretroviral drug tenofovir (Viread) is common

High Level of Tenofovir Resistance for Those With HIV

Resistance affects almost two-thirds of those taking tenofovir in sub-Sahara Africa
For warfarin-treated patients

Carbamazepine Affects Warfarin Anticoagulation

Carbamazepine co-treatment linked to subtherapeutic anticoagulative effect of warfarin
For kidney transplant recipients

Belatacept Regimen Ups Kidney Transplant Survival

Higher patient, graft survival and mean eGFR with more- and less-intensive belatacept vs. cyclosporine
For patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation

Review: Dabigatran Comparable to Warfarin for Nonvalvular A-Fib

Linked to lower risk of intracranial bleeding, but higher risk of gastrointestinal bleeding
For patients with stage 1 hypertension

Low-Dose Chlorthalidone Beats HCTZ for Ambulatory BP Control

Reduces mean 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure, while 12.5-mg hydrochlorothiazide does not
From 2008 to 2014 there was an increase in drug shortages within the scope of emergency medicine practice

Drug Shortages Affecting Emergency Med Up 2008 to 2014

Increases seen in drugs used as direct lifesaving intervention or for high acuity conditions
A single intravenous cyclosporine A bolus just before primary percutaneous coronary intervention has no beneficial effects on ST-segment resolution in reperfused myocardial infarction

No Beneficial Effects Seen for Cyclosporine A in Reperfused MI

Does not improve ST-segment resolution, hs-cTnT, clinical outcomes, or LV remodeling
For children with infantile hemangiomas

Serious Propranolol ADRs Rare in Infantile Hemangioma

Most commonly reported adverse drug reactions were respiratory disorders