Tag: Prescription Drugs
Meds Up Hospitalization for Dehydration, Heat-Linked Illness
Commonly used meds linked to increased risk of hospitalization for dehydration, heat-related illness
Total Drug Expenditures Projected to Increase in 2016
In nonfederal hospitals, growth in spending mainly due to increased prices for existing drugs
Persistent Use Higher With New Generation Beta-Blockers
Notable improvement seen with carvedilol and nebivolol, but not betaxolol
Antipsychotic Polypharmacy Has Prevalence of 12 Percent
Diagnosis of schizophrenia, length of stay of 90 days or more are strongest predictors of polypharmacy
Buprenorphine May Be Helpful in Peripheral Neuropathic Pain
When tolerated, buprenorphine is effective for DPNP, but many patients withdrew from study
Drug Shows Promise for Genetic Proopiomelanocortin Deficiency
After 10 months of daily treatment, one patient lost 112 lbs; another lost 45 lbs in three months
Diabetes Meds Deemed Equal, but Metformin Still First-Line
No significant differences in risk of cardiovascular or all-cause mortality
Biologic Response Modifier Use in Kids Ups Infectious Complications
Risk varies with class of BRM; increased risk of mycobacterial, viral, fungal, opportunistic infections
Early Initiation of ART Cuts HIV-1 Infection in Partners
Risk of genetically-linked partner infection 93 percent lower with early antiretroviral therapy
Metamizole Could Be Alternative to Classical NSAIDs
Fewer gastric, duodenal ulcers with metamizole; limited risk of bleeding in post-op pain management