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Tag: Premature Birth

Ophthalmoscopy and telemedicine are similarly accurate for detection of clinically significant retinopathy of prematurity

Ophthalmoscopy, Telemedicine Similar in Accuracy to ID ROP

Findings seen for diagnosis of zone I disease, plus disease, and type 2 retinopathy of prematurity
Caffeine administration in preterm neonates is associated with reduced incidence and severity of acute kidney injury in the first week after birth

Caffeine Citrate Helps Reduce Acute Kidney Injury in Preemies

Caffeine reduces both the incidence and severity of acute kidney injury
The hearts of young adults born prematurely have impaired left ventricular response to physiological stress during exercise compared with the hearts of those born at term

Impaired LV Response During Exercise in Preterm-Born Adults

With greater exercise intensity, ejection fraction lower in preterm-born than term-born young adults
For female soldiers

Deployment Timing Linked to Spontaneous Preterm Birth

Delivery within six months of return from deployment linked to increased risk of SPB
For neonates born at 22 to 29 weeks' gestation with respiratory distress syndrome

Inhaled Nitric Oxide Doesn’t Cut Mortality for Neonates

Off-label use doesn't reduce in-hospital mortality for very preterm neonates with respiratory distress
For infants born at 33 weeks' gestation or earlier

NICU Family Integrated Care Ups Infant, Parent Outcomes

Greater weight gain at day 21 in FICare group for infants born at 33 weeks' gestation or earlier
Psychostimulant use during pregnancy is associated with a small increased relative risk of preeclampsia and preterm birth

Psychostimulant Use Tied to Placental Complications

Small increased relative risk of preeclampsia, preterm birth; absolute risk increases are small
Delayed cord clamping is associated with reduced hospital mortality in preterm infants

Delayed Cord Clamping Linked to Reduced Hospital Mortality

Compared with early clamping, delay associated with lower mortality in preterm, very preterm infants
Delayed cord clamping does not result in lower incidence of death or major morbidity in preterm infants at 36 weeks

Delayed Cord Clamping Not Beneficial for Preterm Infants

No significant difference in mortality or major morbidity between immediate, delayed clamping
Delivery characteristics of extremely preterm infants can be used to identify those with significantly lower incidence of early-onset sepsis

Delivery Characteristics Predict Early-Onset Sepsis Risk

Criteria for low risk include C-section, membrane rupture, absence of clinical chorioamnionitis