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Tag: Premature Birth

Preterm birth and/or low-birth-weight infants have decreased educational qualifications and rates of employment in adulthood

Preterm Birth Tied to Lower Job Rate, Education in Adulthood

Preterm/low-birth-weight infants less likely to complete higher education, be employed as adults
During 2014 to 2016

CDC: Preterm Births Increased in United States During 2014-2016

Numbers reflected increase among late preterm births, especially births occurring at 36 weeks
Noninvasive blood tests can predict gestational age and can identify women at risk for preterm delivery using cell-free RNA

Noninvasive Blood Test Can Predict Gestational Age

Seven cell-free RNA transcripts accurately classified women who delivered preterm before labor
Different target ranges for oxygen saturation as measured by pulse oximetry do not affect the composite primary outcome of death or major disability for extremely preterm infants

Similar Primary Outcome for Lower O2 Sat in Extreme Preterm

No significant difference in composite outcome of death, major disability for extremely preterm infants
The addition of multisensory pain-reducing interventions to topical anesthetic reduces pain in eye examinations of preterm infants

Multisensory Interventions Cut Pain in Preterm Infant Eye Exams

Combo of topical anesthetic plus sweet taste cuts pain response in preterm infants
Most premature infants receive empirical antibiotic therapy

Most Premature Infants Receive Early Antibiotics

Variation across centers in early antibiotic exposures, prolonged antibiotic administration
Vitamin D sustained supplementation is associated with reduced recurrent wheezing among black infants born preterm

Vitamin D Supplement Tied to Less Wheezing in Black Preemies

Reduced risk of recurrent wheezing at 12 months' adjusted age for black infants born preterm
A fully automated algorithm can accurately diagnose plus disease in retinopathy of prematurity

Automated Algorithm Accurately IDs Plus Disease in ROP

High sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of plus disease in retinopathy of prematurity
Fetal inflammation and rejection of maternal antigens is associated with uterine contractility and aberrant fetal immune responses

Fetal Inflammation May Play Role in Preterm Labor

T cells from preterm infants mount a robust proinflammatory response to maternal antigens
Neonatal caffeine therapy for apnea of prematurity has no detrimental long-term effects and even improves some neurologic measures

Caffeine Therapy for Apnea of Prematurity Safe Over Long Term

No negative effects seen in neurobehavioral outcomes after 11 years