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Tag: Premature Birth

Implementation of network-wide quality improvement activities may improve survival without morbidity in very preterm infants

Quality Improvement in NICU May Cut Morbidity in Preemies

Practice changes linked to increase in survival without major morbidity for infants born at 23 to 32 weeks
For extremely preterm infants

High-Dose Erythropoietin No Benefit for Extreme Preemies

No reduction found in risk for severe neurodevelopmental impairment or death at 2 years of age
Preterm birth is associated with an increased risk for type 1 and type 2 diabetes from childhood into early and middle adulthood

Preterm Birth May Increase Risk for Diabetes Into Adulthood

Risk for type 1, type 2 diabetes increased at age <18 years, 18 to 43 years
Holding intubated infants in the intensive care unit is well tolerated and does not increase adverse events

Holding Intubated Infants in ICU Found to Be Safe, Beneficial

No increase found in adverse events with holding infants aged <6 months intubated for respiratory failure
A new screening method accurately predicts retinopathy of prematurity and reduces the number of infants undergoing eye exams

New Screening Criteria Help Better ID Retinopathy of Prematurity

Use of criteria may substantially reduce the number of infants receiving eye exams
In preterm infants born at less than 32 weeks of gestation

Umbilical Cord Milking May Harm Extremely Preterm Infants

Study terminated early due to higher rate of severe intraventricular hemorrhage for umbilical cord milking

FDA Committee: Makena Should Be Removed From Market

Drug was approved by FDA in 2011 to reduce risk for preterm birth in at-risk women
Most persons born preterm in Sweden between 1973 and 1997 survived until early to mid-adulthood without major comorbidities

Most Preemies Survive Into Adulthood Without Major Comorbidities

Findings observed in Swedish cohort of premature infants born between 1973 and 1997
Birth in a nontertiary hospital and transfer within 48 hours is associated with poorer outcomes compared with birth in a tertiary hospital for extremely preterm infants

Outcomes Poorer for Extreme Preemies Transferred After Birth

Outcomes worse for birth in nontertiary hospital, transfer within 48 hours versus birth in tertiary hospital
For very preterm or very low-birth-weight infants

Rate of Advancement of Feeding Volume Does Not Impact Survival

Very preterm or very low-birth-weight infants were randomly assigned to faster or slower increments