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Tag: Pregnancy

The challenges associated with having children during surgical residency may have considerable impact on the workforce

Challenges ID’d for Childbearing During Surgical Residency

Most women receive six weeks or less of maternity leave; most feel leave duration is inadequate
For pregnant women with type 1 diabetes

Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery Promising in T1DM Pregnancy

Comparable glucose control, less hypoglycemia vs. sensor-augmented pump tx in pregnant women
Maternal use of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in addition to administration of hepatitis B immune globulin and hepatitis B vaccine to infants born to hepatitis B e antigen-positive pregnant women does not further lower the rate of hepatitis B virus transmission

Maternal Use of TDF Doesn’t Further Reduce HBV Transmission

Findings in setting with low HBV transmission with administration of hepatitis B immune globulin, vaccine
Pregnant women can safely exercise in warm weather or sit in hot baths or saunas for a short period of time without risking critical elevations in core temperature

Pregnant Women May Engage in Warm Exercise for Short Times

Brief time in hot bath or sauna also does not raise Tcore past teratogenic level of 39 degrees Celsius
Children exposed to metformin in utero have an increased risk of being overweight at age 4 years

Exposure to Metformin In Utero Ups Risk of Being Overweight

Findings among children of women with polycystic ovary syndrome on metformin during pregnancy
For female soldiers

Deployment Timing Linked to Spontaneous Preterm Birth

Delivery within six months of return from deployment linked to increased risk of SPB

Prevalence of Smoking While Pregnant 7.2 Percent in 2016

Prevalence highest for women aged 20 to 24 years
The correlation between maternal pre-pregnancy overweight and childhood overweight at ages 1 and 3 years may be mediated by birth mode and infant gut microbiota

Gut Microbiota May Affect Vertical Transmission of Being Overweight

Mediator pathway involves birth mode and Firmicutes species richness, especially Lachnospiraceae
Maternal receipt of influenza and tetanus toxoid

Maternal Vaccination Not Tied to Infant Hospitalization, Death

Vaccination with influenza and Tdap not linked to risk of infant hospitalization, death in first six months
Children with autism spectrum disorder have a significantly greater mean depth of ultrasonographic penetration

Mean Depth of Ultrasonographic Penetration Greater in Autism

Greater depth in first trimester versus developmental delay group, typical development group