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Tag: Pregnancy

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends using a urine culture to screen pregnant persons for asymptomatic bacteriuria (Grade B recommendation) but does not recommend screening nonpregnant adults. These recommendations form the basis of a final recommendation statement published in the Sept. 24 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

USPSTF Urges Asymptomatic Bacteriuria Screening in Pregnancy

No net benefit seen for screening, treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria for nonpregnant adults
Anemia diagnosed during the first 30 weeks of pregnancy is associated with an increased risk for autism spectrum disorder

Anemia in Early Pregnancy May Harm Child Neurodevelopment

Odds for ASD, ADHD, intellectual disability increased with anemia diagnosed during first 30 weeks
Prenatal and postnatal exposure to chemicals

Prenatal, Postnatal Exposures Tied to Blood Pressure in Children

Chemical, environmental, meteorological factors may impact systolic, diastolic BP
A remote blood pressure monitoring program is feasible and acceptable to postpartum women with hypertension

Remote, Postpartum BP Checks Feasible in Women With HTN

Study demonstrates high compliance, retention, and patient satisfaction with the program
Acetaminophen use in mid-to-late pregnancy may have an adverse effect on early childhood neurocognitive outcome

Acetaminophen in Pregnancy May Affect Childhood Behavior

12 variables, mainly features of hyperactive or attentive behavior, tied to acetaminophen use
Supplementation with n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids during pregnancy does not result in a lower incidence of early preterm delivery

n-3 PUFAs Do Not Lower Risk for Early Preterm Delivery

Maternal supplementation with n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids did not lower risk
Supine or non-left-sided sleep through 30 weeks of gestation is not associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes

Supine, Non-Left-Sided Sleep Not Linked to Pregnancy Outcomes

Supine or right lateral sleep position not tied to higher risk for composite of adverse pregnancy outcomes
A standardized iron deficiency toolkit increases detection and management of anemia during pregnancy

Quality-Improvement Tool Improves Iron Outcomes in Pregnancy

Toolkit includes diagnostic and management pathways plus educational resources

1970 to 2010 Saw Large Jump in Hypertension During Pregnancy

Overall prevalence of chronic HTN 0.63 percent; rate more than twofold higher for black women
Black and American Indian/Alaska Native women have significantly higher pregnancy-related mortality ratios than whites

CDC: Racial/Ethnic Disparities Reported in Pregnancy-Related Mortality Ratios

Non-Hispanic black, American Indian/Alaska Native women have higher PRMRs than all other groups