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Tag: Pregnancy

One-Third of Clinicians Still Offer Endometrial Scratching


Endometrial scratching still might be offered for psychological reasons

Symptom Relief Cited for Cannabis Use During Pregnancy


Reasons reported for cannabis use similar for prepregnancy and lactation periods with emphasis on symptom management during pregnancy

Obstetric Morbidities More Common in Women With COVID-19


Pregnant women diagnosed during the first wave of COVID-19 had higher frequency of maternal morbidities

Low-to-Moderate Caffeine Intake Not Tied to Maternal Health Risk


Limited caffeine intake, within recommended amounts, during the second trimester associated with lower risk for gestational diabetes

All-Cause Mortality Rates Up for Recently Pregnant Women


2015 to 2019 saw increase in all-cause mortality rates, mortality for drug/alcohol poisoning

COVID-19 Vaccination Not Linked to First-Trimester Miscarriage


Among women with miscarriage, adjusted odds ratios for COVID-19 vaccination in previous three and five weeks were 0.91 and 0.81

Many Pregnant Women Not Receiving Recommended Care


Findings show even patients adhering to prenatal care receive an average of six of eight guideline-based services

Delta Variant May Increase Risk for Poor Pregnancy Outcomes


Experts recommend COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women to mitigate severe perinatal morbidity, mortality

Study IDs Pregnancy Complications in the U.S. Tied to the Pandemic


Higher risks for gestational hypertension, poor fetal growth, preeclampsia seen in pregnant women with commercial health insurance

Psoriatic Arthritis May Up Risk for Preterm Birth, C-Section


Risk for preterm birth increased with antirheumatic treatment for psoriatic arthritis -- particularly biologics -- during pregnancy