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Tag: Pregnancy

Evidence-based folate concentration guidelines for the prevention of neural tube defects have been developed by the World Health Organization

WHO Offers Evidence-Based Folate Concentration Guidelines

For greatest decrease in neural tube defects, RBC folate concentrations should be >400 ng/mL
The rate of neonatal abstinence syndrome increased from 2004 to 2013

PAS: Rate of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Increasing

From 2004 to 2013, increase from seven to 17 cases per 1,000 admissions to NICUs
Gestational diabetes may increase the risk a child will develop autism

Gestational Diabetes May Increase Risk of Autism

High blood glucose might interfere with normal brain development, researcher says
Levels of maternal plasma amino terminal propeptide of C-type natriuretic peptide may be useful in defining phenotypes associated with pre-eclampsia in late pregnancy

Maternal C-Type Natriuretic Peptide Tied to Pre-Eclampsia

In late pregnancy, NTproCNP associated with diastolic and mean arterial pressure
Candy twists can be used as an alternative to glucola beverage in gestational diabetes mellitus screening

Candy Twists Alternative to Glucola Drink for GDM Screening

Same sensitivity for glucola, candy twists; improved false-referral rate, PPV, detection rate for candy
The quality and completeness of Internet information about cesarean sections is poor

Websites Offer Poor Information About C-Section

Findings based on assessment of Brazilian sites, which often fail to mention risks
Women with gestational diabetes mellitus are more likely to have a history of depression

Hx of Depression Tied to Higher Risk of Gestational Diabetes

Likelihood of history of depression elevated in women with GDM, after controlling for confounders
Vegan-vegetarian diets appear to be safe in pregnancy

Review: Vegan-Vegetarian Diets Seem Safe in Pregnancy

Limited evidence suggests diets are safe, although women may be at risk of vitamin B12, iron deficiency
Exogenous progesterone seems to increase nuchal translucency

Exogenous Progesterone Increases Nuchal Translucency

Increase also seen in women at low risk for fetal aneuploidies
Taking iron supplements during pregnancy doesn't appear to significantly change any health outcomes for mother or infant

USPSTF: Evidence Lacking for Routine Iron Supplementation

Task force also concludes there's too little information to recommend screening for deficiencies