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Tag: Prediabetes

For overweight/obese veterans with prediabetes

Participation Up With Online Diabetes Prevention Program

But weight loss no different for online, in-person DPP for obese/overweight veterans with prediabetes
Antipsychotic-treated patients with severe mental illnesses have a high prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes

High Prevalence of Diabetes in Those With Severe Mental Illness

Prevalences of diabetes and prediabetes higher among racial/ethnic minorities with mental illness
There is an inverse association for plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration with diabetes risk

Inverse Link for Plasma 25(OH)D Concentration, Risk of T2DM

Each 10 ng/mL higher 25(OH)D concentration associated with hazard ratio of 0.64 for diabetes
Targeted diabetes screening based only on age and weight criteria will identify approximately half of U.S. adults with dysglycemia

Age- and Weight-Based Screening Identifies Half With Prediabetes

Expanded screening criteria based on risk factors improve detection for minorities
Prediabetes defined by hemoglobin A1c is associated with worse prognosis than definition by fasting plasma glucose or two-hour plasma glucose

Worse Prognosis for Prediabetes Defined by HbA1c

Prediabetes measured by FPG, two-hour plasma glucose not linked to increased risk of major event
The accumulation of total physical activity over the day may be as important as achieving the intensity of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity for improved cardiometabolic health of adults with prediabetes

Moving More May Match Focused Exercise in Prediabetes

Total physical activity was as strongly associated with cardiometabolic risk factors as MVPA
Most primary care physicians can't identify all 11 risk factors for prediabetes

Survey Reveals Prediabetes Knowledge Gaps in Primary Care

Fewer than one in 10 PCPs surveyed named all risk factors identified by American Diabetes Association
As of 2015

CDC: >100 Million Americans Have Diabetes or Prediabetes

Diabetes was seventh leading cause of death in 2015 in United States, according to report
Implementation of an intervention

Intervention Ups Appropriate Dysglycemia Screening

Screening doubled after intervention, which included EHR-based decision support, training
The prevalence of diabetes is 10.9 percent in China

Estimated Prevalence of Diabetes 10.9 Percent in China

Overall, 36.5 percent of those with diabetes were aware of their diabetes, 32.2 percent were treated