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Tag: Prediabetes

Continuous positive airway pressure treatment for obstructive sleep apnea optimally used at night reduces resting heart rate during the day

CPAP Cuts Daytime Resting Heart Rate in Patients With Prediabetes

Proof-of-concept study shows optimal treatment of sleep apnea may have positive CV carryover effects
In individuals with prediabetes

Cinnamon Supplementation May Improve Blood Glucose Control

Findings support research on whether cinnamon can slow progression of prediabetes to type 2 diabetes
The bone health of adults older than 40 years of age is declining for individuals both with normal glucose regulation and prediabetes

Bone Health Declining in U.S. Adults With and Without Prediabetes

Decline in bone mineral density particularly significant for men younger than 60 years
Changes in total lean body mass with aging are associated with the development of diabetes among men and women

Lower Lean Body Mass With Aging May Up Diabetes Incidence in Men

Men and women with higher absolute lean body mass also have greater incidence of diabetes
For individuals with prediabetes

HbA1c Minimally Adds to CVD Risk Prediction in Prediabetes

Classical risk factors explain most of the increased risk for CVD associated with HbA1c in prediabetes
The prevalence of prediabetes is high in U.S. adolescents and young adults

Prediabetes Prevalent in U.S. Adolescents, Young Adults

Prevalence of prediabetes 18.0 and 24.0 percent among adolescents and young adults, respectively
Even at lower body weights

Rates of Diabetes Higher at Lower BMIs Among Minorities

At normal body weight, rates for diabetes three times higher in Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders
There are considerable gaps in primary care physician knowledge regarding risk factors that prompt screening for prediabetes and management recommendations for patients with prediabetes

Gaps in Physician Knowledge, Management of Prediabetes ID’d

Primary care doctors have limited knowledge about screening, management for prediabetes
Few patients with undiagnosed prediabetes are told that they are at high risk for diabetes

Few at Risk for Diabetes Report Being Informed by Provider

Many individuals with elevated glucose levels are unaware of their heightened diabetes risk
The incidence rate of pancreatic cancer increases with rising fasting blood glucose levels

Higher Fasting Plasma Glucose May Up Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Continuous increase in risk of pancreatic cancer with elevating fasting glucose, even within normal range