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Tag: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

The correlation between posttraumatic stress disorder and cardiovascular disease is not independent and is explained by physical and psychiatric conditions and smoking

Coexisting Medical Conditions, Smoking Explain PTSD-CVD Link

No link seen after adjustment for smoking, sleep disorder, substance use disorder, anxiety disorders, depression
A new model can predict the likelihood that an individual will develop posttraumatic stress disorder nine to 15 months following a traumatic event

New Model Helps Predict Patients Likely to Develop PTSD

Clinical assessment plus gender, education, trauma history predict PTSD likelihood
Among individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder

Terrorist Attack Victims With PTSD Have Higher Cancer Risk

Women with PTSD have higher risk for cancer than men, are more protected from circulatory issues
A history of intimate partner violence or sexual assault and current symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder are associated with an increased risk for menopause symptoms

History of Partner Violence Tied to Menopause Symptoms

History of sexual assault and current PTSD also associated with higher risk for menopause symptoms
For military veterans

In-Person Social Contact Tied to Reduced Psychiatric Symptoms

For veterans, social interaction in person, not on Facebook, tied to lower risk for depression, PTSD
A non-trauma-focused therapy

Transcendental Meditation Benefits Veterans With PTSD

TM significantly noninferior to prolonged exposure therapy, better than PTSD health education
Giving patients with post-traumatic stress disorder their preferred treatment improves adherence and symptoms

Giving Patients Treatment Choice Improves PTSD Outcomes

Participants receiving preferred treatment more likely to be adherent, lose PTSD diagnosis
For patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder

Long-Term Benzodiazepines Do Not Up Mortality in COPD, PTSD

No difference in mortality, but risk for suicide elevated with long-term benzodiazepine use
World Trade Center-related post-traumatic stress disorder is a risk factor for myocardial infarction and stroke among workers involved in cleaning up the debris

WTC-Related PTSD May Up Risk for Stroke, MI in Clean-Up Crew

Similar magnitude of risk in men and women, independent of depression
Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms among hospitalized patients with cancer are associated with a greater psychological and physical symptom burden as well as a decreased risk of hospital readmissions

In Cancer Patients, PTSD May Increase Symptom Burden

Post-traumatic stress symptoms also linked to lower risk of readmission in hospitalized CA patients