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Tag: Pollution, Air

Ambient air pollution is associated with lower lung function and increased chronic obstructive pulmonary disease prevalence

Air Pollution Found to Accelerate Aging of the Lungs

Larger effects seen for people from lower-income households
For individuals living in multistory houses

Risk for Arterial Hypertension Up With Air Pollutant Exposure

Residential exposure linked to AH, reduced HDL cholesterol for individuals living in multistory houses
Early-life exposure to fine particulate matter is associated with a reduction in fundamental cognitive abilities

Exposure to Air Pollution May Impact Children’s Cognitive Abilities

Deficits seen in working memory, executive attention after prenatal, early childhood exposure
Long-term black carbon exposure is associated with a larger peripheral total pulmonary vascular volume measured on noncontrast chest computed tomography

Exposure to Air Pollution May Affect Pulmonary Circulation

Larger peripheral total pulmonary vascular volume associated with long-term exposure to black carbon
Decreases in ambient nitrogen dioxide and fine particulate matter are associated with lower asthma incidence in children

Decreased Air Pollutants Linked to Less Childhood Asthma

Lower asthma incidence tied to decreases in NO2, PM2.5; no link found for ozone, PM10
From 2010 to 2017

Decrease in PM2.5-Related U.S. Mortality From 2010 to 2017

During the same period, ozone-related mortality remained mainly unchanged
An estimated 4.0 million new pediatric asthma cases could be attributed to ambient nitrogen dioxide pollution annually

Four Million New Peds Asthma Cases Attributed to NO2 Annually

Burden of new pediatric asthma cases accounts for 13 percent of global incidence
Proximity to major roadways and prenatal/early life exposure to particulate matter <2.5 µm and ozone are associated with childhood developmental delays

Proximity to Major Roadways Impacts Child Development

Increased risk for child developmental delays also seen with prenatal exposure to PM2.5, ozone
Exposure to ultrafine particles during the second trimester in utero is linked to the subsequent onset of asthma in children

In Utero Ultrafine Particle Exposure Tied to Asthma in Offspring

Link independent of exposure to other air pollutants, including PM2.5 and NO2
Ambient air pollution exposure is associated with sleep apnea

Ambient Air Pollution Exposure Linked to Sleep Apnea

Odds of sleep apnea increase with increase in nitrogen dioxide exposure, PM2.5 exposure