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Tag: Pollution, Air

Air pollution may be an environmental risk factor for multiple sclerosis

Exposure to Urban Air Pollution May Up Risk of Multiple Sclerosis

Adjusted risk 29 percent higher among those residing in more urbanized areas
Daily use of a fine particulate matter air filtration device can significantly improve airway mechanics and reduce airway resistance in children with asthma

Air Filters Shown to Improve Breathing in Children With Asthma

Daily in-bedroom use of a PM2.5 filter results in significant improvement of airway mechanics
For pediatric and adolescent and young adult patients with specific cancers

PM2.5 Linked to Later Mortality in Certain Pediatric, AYA Cancers

Mortality risk increased at 5 years, 10 years among those with pediatric lymphomas, CNS tumors
Climate change continues to make air pollution worse

Nearly Half of U.S. Population Breathes Unhealthy Air

More cities saw increase in days with spikes in particle pollution for 2016-2018 versus 2015-2017
Retirement of coal-fired power plants or installation of stricter emissions controls is associated with better asthma-related outcomes

Reduced Power Plant Emissions Tied to Better Asthma Measures

Local residents used less rescue medication, had fewer asthma-related hospitalizations, ED visits
Risk for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest increases by 70 percent with exposure to heavy wildfire smoke

Heavy Wildfire Smoke Tied to Higher Risk for Cardiac Arrest

Risk further increased for individuals with lower socioeconomic status
Exposure to air pollution may have adverse effects on cognitive aging and brain health in older adults

Air Pollution May Hasten Cognitive Decline in Older Adults

Higher exposure linked to lower scores on thinking and memory tests and faster cognitive loss over time
Long-term exposure to air pollution is associated with a higher risk for dementia

CVD May Play Role in Link Between Air Pollution, Dementia

Heart failure, ischemic heart disease, stroke may contribute to link between air pollution and dementia
Ambient air pollution is a leading cause of excess mortality and loss of life expectancy

Ambient Air Pollution Causes Decreased Life Expectancy

Loss of life expectancy from all ambient air pollution found to be 2.9 years, exceeding that of tobacco smoking
Exposure to a higher annual average concentration of particulate matter <2.5 µm in aerodynamic diameter is associated with increased albuminuria and an increased risk for chronic kidney disease

Higher Exposure to Air Pollution Linked to Albuminuria, CKD

Each 1-µg/m³ higher annual average PM2.5 linked to increased risk for incident chronic kidney disease