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Tag: Pollution, Air

Inconsistent Link Seen Between Wildfires and CVD Events, Mortality


Increased rate of CVD events and death seen with high level of fine particulate matter during Mendocino Complex wildfire

Higher Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposure Tied to Depression


Reproductive health may be the pathway linking traffic-related air pollution to depression

Shifts in Trends Noted for Trachea, Bronchus, Lung Cancer Mortality


Tobacco-associated trachea, bronchus, and lung cancer mortality decreasing overall, while pollution-associated mortality increasing

Higher Radon Exposure Linked to Increased Odds of Gestational Diabetes


Nulliparous, pregnant ever-smokers living in counties with higher radon and those living in counties with higher radon and PM2.5 levels have higher odds of GDM

Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution Tied to More Hospital Admissions


Findings seen for both all-cause and cause-specific hospital admissions

Distant Wildfires Tied to Increased Cardiopulmonary Disease


Analysis of Maryland case load during June 2023 Western Canadian fires reveals increases in clinical encounters for cardiopulmonary disease

Higher Ambient Levels of Air Pollutants Linked to Increased VTE Risk


Hazard ratio up for incident venous thromboembolism in association with higher levels of fine particulate matter, oxides of nitrogen, nitrogen dioxide

Air Pollution Exposure Throughout Pregnancy Ups Risk for Spontaneous Preterm Birth


Socioeconomic status and other environmental exposures modify this association

Long-Term Exposure to Wildfire PM2.5 Tied to Higher Odds of Dementia


Increased odds of dementia diagnosis seen with increase in three-year mean of wildfire, nonwildfire PM2.5 exposure

Fine Particulate Matter Linked to Increased Incidence of Head, Neck Cancer


Highest association seen at five-year lag period, but significant associations also seen at no lag, up to 20-year lag period