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Tag: Pneumonia

Antimicrobials are often prescribed for a longer duration than recommended in guidelines

Antimicrobial Tx Duration Often Exceeds Recommendations

Antimicrobials often prescribed for a longer duration than guideline recommendations
Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection is associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome

M. pneumoniae Infection Linked to Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Anti-GalC antibodies found in adults, and more often in children, with GBS
The cytokine M-CSF promotes survival of lung and liver mononuclear phagocytes to mediate host defense during bacterial pneumonia

M-CSF Plays Role in Host Defense in Bacterial Pneumonia

M-CSF promotes survival of lung and liver mononuclear phagocytes in experimental model
Nurse work environment is a significant predictor of ventilator-associated pneumonia when controlling for intensive care unit physician staffing

ATS: Nurse Work Environment Predicts VAP Risk

Better nurse work environment may minimize ventilator-associated pneumonia risk
Lung ultrasounds may offer a safer

Pediatric Pneumonia Can Be Diagnosed Via Lung Ultrasound

In study, radiation exposure of standard chest X-rays was avoided, no cases were missed
Intensive care unit nurses' may have inadequate knowledge of evidence-based guidelines for ventilator-associated pneumonia prevention

Research Suggests Nurses May Be Unaware of VAP Guidelines

Findings based on survey of Iranian ICU nurses regarding ventilator-associated pneumonia
For patients with myocardial infarction

Public Reporting of Hospital Readmissions Hasn’t Cut Rates

Less hospital-based acute care for patients with heart failure; no change for MI, pneumonia
For older men

Admission to VA or Non-VA Hospitals Impacts Outcome

Lower 30-day mortality for AMI, heart failure, but not pneumonia, with admission to VA hospitals
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has approved the recommended adult immunization schedule for 2016. The recommendations are published as a clinical guideline in the Feb. 2 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

ACIP Approves 2016 Adult Immunization Schedule

Changes to schedule for HPV, pneumococcal, and meningococcal vaccines
Pneumococcal vaccines can trigger a severe local and systemic inflammatory reaction in patients with cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes

Severe Reaction to Pneumococcal Vaccines in Patients With CAPS

Severe local, inflammatory reaction triggered in those with cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes