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Tag: Parkinson’s

A physically active lifestyle is associated with a reduced risk for Parkinson disease

Active Lifestyle May Lower Risk for Parkinson Disease

Authors say finding may be explained by a motor reserve
Compared with standard care alone

Outpatient Palliative Care Improves Parkinson Outcomes

Additionally, some benefit is seen for certain caregiver measures
Road proximity is associated with an increased incidence of specific neurologic disorders

Road Proximity Linked to Incidence of Neurologic Diseases

Incidence increased for non-Alzheimer dementia, Parkinson, Alzheimer disease, multiple sclerosis
Among patients with moderately severe Parkinson disease

SAE Rate Higher With Nilotinib Versus Placebo in Parkinson Disease

Exploratory biomarkers altered in response to nilotinib, including drop in hyperphosphorylated tau
Exposure to certain types of oral antibiotics may be associated with an elevated risk for Parkinson disease

Antibiotic Exposure May Be Tied to Risk for Parkinson Disease

Link between exposure and diagnosis may be due to disruption of gut microbiota, authors say
Patients with bipolar disorder seem to have an increased risk for developing Parkinson disease

Bipolar Disorder May Increase Risk for Developing Parkinson Disease

Literature review shows increased likelihood of idiopathic PD with previous diagnosis of BD
Most cerebrovascular risk factors are associated with an increased risk for subsequent diagnosis of Parkinson disease

Cerebrovascular Risk Factors May Up Risk for Parkinson Disease

Most cerebrovascular risk factors linked to higher risk for subsequent diagnosis of Parkinson disease
In patients with Parkinson disease

Vitamin D Tied to Falls, Nonmotor Symptoms in Parkinson Disease

No association seen between bone mineral density, vitamin D in patients with Parkinson disease
For male patients with Parkinson disease

Sexual Activity May Cut Disability in Men With Early Parkinson Disease

Active sex life linked to reduced motor, nonmotor burden and higher reported quality of life
The incidence of Parkinson disease is lower for patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection who receive interferon-based antiviral therapy

Parkinson Disease Incidence Lower in Hep C Patients Who Receive Antivirals

Advantage of interferon-based antiviral therapy reached statistical significance at five-year follow-up