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Tag: Parkinson’s

Study Finds Exenatide Not Beneficial for Parkinson Disease


No evidence seen to support GLP-1 receptor agonist exenatide as disease-modifying treatment for Parkinson disease

FDA Approves Wearable Infusion Device for Advanced Parkinson Disease


Onapgo is a subcutaneous apomorphine infusion device for the treatment of motor fluctuations in patients with advanced disease

Hearing Impairment Tied to Higher Risk for New Parkinson Disease Diagnosis


In a recent study, risk increased 57 percent for every 10-dB increase in speech-reception threshold

Multiple Penicillin Courses Linked to Modestly Lower Risk for Parkinson Disease


Increase in PD risk seen in association with exposure to two or more courses of antifungals one to five years prior

FDA Approves Vyalev for Advanced Parkinson Disease


Vyalev is the first and only subcutaneous 24-hour continuous infusion of levodopa-based therapy for treatment of motor fluctuations

Air Pollution Exposure Increases Risk for Parkinson Disease


Among those with Parkinson disease, air pollution tied to higher risk for developing akinetic rigid disease and dyskinesia

SGLT2i Use Linked to Lower Risk for Neurodegenerative Disease in T2DM


Reduced risk for Alzheimer disease, vascular dementia, and Parkinson disease seen with SGLT2i use in type 2 diabetes

Upper GI Mucosal Damage Tied to Later Parkinson Disease Diagnosis


Authors say increased vigilance is warranted for patients with mucosal damage

Migraine in Women Not Linked to Risk for Parkinson Disease


No associations seen for migraine with aura, migraine without aura, history of migraine in cohort of middle-aged women

Dementia May Occur Less Often, Develop Slower in Parkinson Disease Patients


Median time to dementia was 15 years in Penn cohort; estimated probability of dementia at year 10 was 9 to 15 percent in PPMI cohort