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Tag: Parenting

Providers engaging parents hesitant about human papillomavirus vaccination and addressing their concerns can lead to same-day vaccinations

Addressing Parents’ HPV Vaccine Hesitancy Ups Vaccination Rates

More adolescents receive HPV vaccination same day with physician engagement versus acquiescence
From 2002 to 2015 there was an increase in reported cannabis use among parents with children in the home

Reported Cannabis Use Up in Parents With Children in Home

Decrease in cigarette smoking, but increase in cannabis use among parents with children in the home
Among women with metastatic cancer and dependent children

Parenting Fears Harm Well-Being of Women With Metastatic Cancer

Findings based on survey of women with advanced cancer and dependent children
A standardized

Checklist Developed for Parents of Children With Cancer

Checklist covers primary, secondary, and tertiary topics that should be taught at different points
Reading books together is associated with psychosocial benefits in both children and parents

Parent-Child Book Reading Tied to Psychosocial Benefits

Book-reading interventions associated with improved psychosocial functioning in parents and children
Exposure to parent encouragement to diet as an adolescent is tied to long-term harmful weight-related and emotional health outcomes and appears to be transmitted to the next generation

Parental Dieting Pressure Linked to Long-Term Harm

Unhealthy weight, behaviors seen in adulthood; parent encouragement of diet may pass down
Parental supply of alcohol to adolescents is associated with increased odds of alcohol-related harms

Parental Supply of Alcohol to Adolescents Is Harmful

Odds of subsequent binge consumption, alcohol-related harm, symptoms of alcohol-use disorder up
Implementation of Washington state's Senate Bill 5005

Counseling Linked to Reduction in Vaccine Exemption Rates

Significant drop in rates in Washington after implementation of bill mandating parental counseling
More than half of U.S. adults surveyed would be supportive if they had a teenage child who wanted to transition to the opposite gender

Many Parents Would Support Transgender Teen’s Transition

Findings indicate growing acceptance of gender transition
Coping support interventions can reduce anxiety and stress

Coping Support Assists Parents of Hospitalized Children

Meta-analysis: coping support interventions can reduce anxiety and stress, but not depression