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Tag: Parenting

Parents are more concerned about diseases from tick bites than from mosquito bites

Poll: Parents Most Concerned About Diseases From Tick Bites

Poll finds parents may be uncertain as to what type of bug repellent is best
About 6.1 percent of parents are hesitant about routine childhood vaccines

More Than One in Four Parents Hesitant About Flu Vaccine

Seventy and 26 percent strongly agree that routine and flu vaccines are effective, respectively

Parents Facing Higher Levels of Stress During Pandemic

Pandemic-related stress also disproportionately impacting communities of color
Individuals at high risk for major depression reared in adoptive homes have a significantly reduced risk for major depression compared with those raised in their home environment

Major Depression Reduced for Those Reared in Adoptive Homes

Protective rearing effect found for adopted compared with home-reared full and half siblings
Parental mental illness is associated with an increased risk for injuries among offspring

Parents’ Mental Illness Tied to Higher Injury Rate in Offspring

Association seen for birth through adolescence, but risk highest for child's first year of life
Many parents are not having talks with their preschool or school-age children about inappropriate touching

Poll: Many Parents Not Talking to Children About Inappropriate Touching

One in four parents of school-age children say they have not yet begun talking about inappropriate touching
Twelfth-grade binge drinking predicts early adulthood risky driving practices and high-risk drinking in early adulthood

Twelfth-Grade Binge Drinking Linked to Risky Driving Practices

Parental practices have lasting effects in protecting against driving while impaired, riding with impaired driver
Three in 10 parents say that their child's primary care office should ask parents who refuse all vaccines to find another health care provider

Parents Divided on Primary Care Policies for Unvaccinated Patients

Many parents unaware of policies for unvaccinated children in their child's primary care office
A parent-targeted intervention can increase adolescent-reported frequency of parent-adolescent communication about sexual and alcohol use behaviors

Parent-Targeted Intervention Can Up Communication With Teens

Intervention increased adolescent-reported frequency of parent-teen communication about sex, alcohol
Female oncologists attend significantly fewer conferences than male oncologists

Female Oncologists Attend Fewer Conferences Than Men

Whether meeting conflicted with child care responsibilities was important factor for women