Tag: Pain
Bariatric Surgery Tied to Lasting, Clinically Important Improvements in Pain
Despite decreases in initial improvements, benefits seen at seven years postsurgery
Poll: Seven in 10 Older Adults Report Joint Pain or Arthritis
Conversations are needed by older adults and their health care providers about treatments for arthritis and their risks
Intraosseous Morphine Reduces Postop Pain After TKA
Visual Analog Scale pain score lower at one, two, three, and five hours postoperatively
Opioid Rx Down for Chronic Noncancer Pain, Cancer Pain in U.S. Adults
Declines in opioid prescribing outpacing increases in receipt of nonopioid therapies
Adjunctive Acupuncture May Speed Relief From Pain of Renal Colic
Response rates higher for acupuncture versus sham acupuncture at zero, five, 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes, but not at 45 and 60 minutes
Opioid Rx Dosage Higher for Adults With Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida
Higher prescription of oral morphine equivalents seen for adults with cerebral palsy, spina bifida across pain categories
Benefit of Viscosupplementation for Knee OA Questioned
Small reduction in pain, increased risk for serious adverse events seen with viscosupplementation versus placebo for knee osteoarthritis
Corticosteroid Injections Plus Exercise Ease Achilles Tendinopathy
Reduction in symptoms at six months greater for corticosteroid injections, versus placebo injections, in combination with exercise therapy
Model Can Predict Chronic Postsurgical Pain
Approximately one-fourth of patients experience chronic pain after surgery
Experts Address Managing Cancer-Related Pain in Setting of Opioid Abuse, Misuse
Palliative and addiction medicine specialists provide consensus-based guidance for three common clinical scenarios