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Self-Service Vending Machine Provides Harm Reduction Services


Vending machine dispenses naloxone, sharps containers, safer injection/smoking kits, pregnancy tests, HIV tests

Discontinuing Long-Term Opioids Tied to Overdose Risk


Tapering cuts risk for overdose among those with opioid use disorder

Increase in Overdose Mortality Greater Among the Pregnant in 2020


Overdose mortality increased about 81 percent from 2017 to 2020 among pregnant and postpartum women

2000 to 2020 Saw Increase in Drug Overdose Death Rates in Seniors


For men aged 65 to 74 and 75 years or older, drug overdose death rates were higher for non-Hispanic Black men

Benzodiazepines Tied to Drug Overdose in Young People With Sleep Disorders


Findings even stronger for young people with a recent opioid prescription

FDA Moves Toward Making Overdose Antidote an Over-the-Counter Drug


If the overdose antidote drug naloxone becomes easier to obtain, it could save lives and help combat the U.S. opioid crisis

Unintentional Overdose Deaths in U.S. Teens Spiked in 2020


Eight in 10 teen unintentional overdose deaths involved fentanyl and other synthetic opioids

Experts Say New Street Drug Is ‘as Deadly as Fentanyl’


Overall, deaths in Tennessee known to be linked to nitazenes rose from 10 in 2020 to 42 one year later

EMS Encounters for Opioid-Involved OD Rates Up 2018 to 2022


Highest rates and largest rate increases seen in urban counties and counties with higher unemployment rates

Out-of-Pocket Costs for Naloxone Up for Uninsured Patients


For 2018 compared with 2014, mean out-of-pocket cost of naloxone increased by 506 percent among uninsured patients