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Tag: Opioids

Preoperative opioid use is associated with increased health care utilization and costs after elective abdominal surgery

Opioid Users Incur Higher Costs After Elective Abdominal Surgery

Preoperative opioid use linked to increased likelihood of longer hospital stay, rate of 30-day readmission
Doctors who limit the supply of opioids they prescribe to three days or less may help patients reduce their risk of dependence and addiction

Initial Rx Can Affect Likelihood of Long-Term Opioid Use

Prescribing opioids for three days or less may lower chances of addiction, researchers say
From 2001 to 2013

Concurrent Benzodiazepine, Opioid Use Up Significantly

Providers urged to exercise caution in prescribing opioids for patients already using benzodiazepines
A substantial proportion of patients with opioid use disorder fill prescriptions for non-buprenorphine opioids during and following treatment with buprenorphine

Many Patients Get Opioid Rx While Receiving Buprenorphine

4 of 10 given buprenorphine to ease withdrawal abuse other opioids, researchers find
Drug overdose deaths have nearly tripled in the United States since 1999

CDC: Fatal Drug Overdoses More Than Doubled Since 1999

Whites, middle-aged adults hardest hit, researchers find
Patients addicted to opioids treated in a hospital emergency department do better when they receive medication to reduce opioid cravings

Patients With Opioid Addiction Benefit From Tx Initiated in ER

Giving drugs to reduce cravings appears to be effective option, researchers find
Prevention and treatment

AAP Urges Doctors Not to Punish Pregnant Women for Opioid Use

Group says better prevention and treatment, not jail time, would stem surge in drug-addicted newborns
A child's risk of a potentially fatal drug overdose more than doubles if a parent is prescribed an opioid

OD Risk Up in Children Whose Mothers Are Prescribed Opioids

Second study finds opioids stored unsafely in many households with children
Emergency department patients are at greater risk for long-term opioid use even after a single prescription from an emergency medicine physician who regularly prescribes them

Doctors’ Opioid Rx Patterns Tied to Patient Risk for Long-Term Use

Patients 30 percent more likely to abuse opioids if their ER physician prescribes them frequently
Health officials in Utah and Louisiana have issued orders to make naloxone more widely available in an effort to prevent overdose deaths

Access to Naloxone Eased in Louisiana, Utah

Standing orders for naloxone allow it to be dispensed to laypeople without patient-specific prescription