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Tag: Opioids

Concurrent benzodiazepine use is associated with increased risk of opioid-related overdose

Risk of OD Highest for First Days of Opioid + Benzodiazepine Use

Five-fold increased risk of opioid-related overdose during first 90 days of concurrent use
There is a marked excess of deaths among U.S. adults who experience a non-fatal opioid overdose

Rate of Death Up in Year After Non-Fatal Opioid Overdose

Excess of deaths attributable to substance use-associated, mental health, and medical conditions
A novel

NIH Initiative Aims to Address Opioid Misuse Over Long Term

'Helping to End Addiction Long-Term' will focus on goals of improving addiction tx and pain management
Use of medications for opioid use disorder is associated with a reduction in all-cause and opioid-related mortality after opioid overdose

Meds for Opioid Use Disorder May Reduce Mortality in OD Survivors

Minority of opioid overdose survivors receive MOUD; buprenorphine, MMT linked to reduced mortality
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's 2014 ruling to reschedule hydrocodone combination products coincided with an increase in illicit trading of opioids through online illicit markets (cryptomarkets)

Illicit Opioid Trade Up With Restrictions on Hydrocodone

2014 ruling to reschedule hydrocodone combo products coincided with rise in cryptomarket trade
Risk factors for opioid overdose among hospitalized patients include being age 65 years or older

Older Age, ICU, Poor Renal Fcn Up Risk of Opioid OD in Hospital

For hospitalized patients, risk also increased for those receiving three or more CNS antidepressants
Stigmatizing attitudes toward those who use opioids are associated with lower support for two evidence-based opioid harm reduction strategies

Public Support Only Moderate for Opioid Harm Reduction Strategies

Stigmatizing attitudes toward opioids linked to lower support for two evidence-based strategies
Nine online networks

FDA Warns Websites Marketing Unapproved Opioids

As part of comprehensive effort to target online sales, networks operating 53 sites received warnings
Higher daily average inpatient pain scores and higher postoperative opioid consumption are associated with a subsequent persistent opioid use of up to six months among pediatric patients undergoing major oncologic surgery

Factors ID’d for Persistent Opioid Use After Pediatric Surgery

Findings in patients undergoing cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemo
From 2001 to 2016 there was an increase in the number and percentage of opioid-related deaths; in addition

Studies ID Impact of U.S. Opioid-Related Mortality, Rx Patterns

Burden of deaths up; most patients receiving opioid analgesics use immediate-release formulations