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Tag: Opioids

Persistent and prolonged opioid use occur after plastic and reconstructive surgical procedures

Persistent, Prolonged Opioid Use Occurs After Plastic Surgery

Perioperative opioid use, procedure type strongest predictors of opioid use in year after surgery
Drivers' use of prescription opioids is associated with initiation of fatal two-vehicle crashes independent of alcohol use

Drivers’ Opioid Use Associated With Fatal Car Crashes

Drivers testing positive for prescription opioids more than twice as likely to initiate fatal two-vehicle crash
From 2013 to 2017

Rate of Opioid Rx Stable After Pediatric Outpatient Surgery

However, maximum available take-home dose steadily declined from 2013 to 2017
The demand for naloxone is relatively inelastic with respect to changes in its out-of-pocket price

Converting Naloxone to OTC Expected to Increase Sales

Demand for naloxone is inelastic, with 1 percent increase in price resulting in 0.27 percent drop in sales
In the eastern United States

Opioid-Related Mortality Up From 1999 to 2016 in Eastern U.S.

Opioid-related mortality rates, especially from synthetic opioids, increased rapidly in eastern states
Nonmedical prescription opioid (NMPO) use in adolescents is associated with parental NMPO use and with smoking and parent-adolescent conflict

Nonmedical Rx Opioid Use in Teens Linked to Parental Use

Unique associations with adolescent NMPO use seen for parental lifetime smoking, parent-teen conflict
Since the early 2000s

Since Early 2000s, Overdose Death Rates Are Highest in U.S.

U.S. was not an outlier in terms of drug overdose mortality prior to the early 2000s
For patients with an admitting diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome and/or acute decompensated heart failure

Discharge Opioid Rx for Heart Dz Patients May Impact Follow-Up

Findings seen in patients with admitting diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome, decompensated heart failure
The opioid epidemic is driving a steep increase in infection-related stroke hospitalizations

ASA: Opioid Epidemic Tied to Infection-Related Stroke

Number of hospitalizations steady in 1993 to 2008, but increased significantly in 2008 to 2015
There is considerable race/ethnicity and income-level variation in the opioid epidemic

Racial/Ethnic, Income Variation ID’d in the Opioid Epidemic

Study, two research letters describe opioid prescribing trends and interactions with race, age