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An Oklahoma judge on Monday ruled against one of America's biggest companies

Oklahoma Judge Fines Johnson & Johnson $572 Million Over Opioid Drug Crisis

Verdict could have huge implications as other states and communities target pharmaceutical firms
Patient confidentiality rule changes meant to help fight the opioid crisis in the United States have been proposed by the federal government.

Patient Confidentiality Rule Changes Aim to Fight U.S. Opioid Crisis

A patient's consent to share their information would still be required
Prescription size is associated with increased new persistent opioid use among patients after cardiothoracic surgery

Rx Size Predicts Persistent Opioid Use After Cardiothoracic Surgery

Patients prescribed more than 450 oral morphine equivalents have more new persistent opioid use
The use of the opioid addiction medication buprenorphine is much higher in states that expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act than in those that did not expand the program

Opioid Addiction Treatment Used More in States That Expanded Medicaid

Fivefold increase seen in Medicaid-covered prescriptions for buprenorphine during 2011 to 2018
Using buprenorphine to treat opioid use disorder may increase adherence to treatments for other chronic conditions

Taking Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder May Up Other Med Compliance

Findings seen among those taking buprenorphine and any of five other drug classes
Adults who take prescription opioids for severe chronic pain are more likely to have increased anxiety

Use of Opioids + Cannabis Tied to Poorer Mental Health

Co-use associated with anxiety and depression symptoms compared with opioid use alone
A reduction in postoperative opioid prescription size was observed following release of evidence-based opioid prescribing guidelines in Michigan

Postoperative Opioid Rx Size Down After Guideline Release

No change seen in satisfaction or pain scores despite reductions in prescription size, opioid use
For children undergoing tonsillectomy

No Evidence for Benefits of Opioids After Pediatric Tonsillectomy

Perioperative opioid fills linked to risk of return visit for constipation but not pain, dehydration or hemorrhage
From 2012 to 2018

2012 to 2018 Saw Substantial Rise in Naloxone Dispensing

Regional variation in naloxone dispensing considerable; rates lowest in most rural counties
U.S. physicians prescribe opioids more frequently during patient hospitalizations and at discharge compared with physicians in other countries

U.S. Hospital Patients Receive More Opioids Versus Other Countries

Patients' perceptions of pain, pain medication may affect prescribing practices