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Tag: Occupational Health

Certain occupations related to potential noxious airborne agents are associated with increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis in workers

Work Exposure to Noxious Fumes May Up Rheumatoid Arthritis Risk

Among men, bricklayers and concrete workers, electrical and electronic workers have increased risk
Occupational exposures to vapors

Occupational Exposures Linked to Interstitial Lung Disease

Job exposure matrix score increase in vapors, gas, dust, fumes exposure ups high attenuation areas
White collar workers have a higher risk of death from Parkinson's disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

ALS, Parkinson’s Mortality Up for White-Collar Workers

Occupations associated with higher education and income show increased mortality risk
Working long hours could increase risk of atrial fibrillation

Long Working Hours May Increase Risk of Developing A-Fib

Could help explain previously observed increased risk of stroke among those working long hours
Capacity to repair everyday damage to cell DNA could be impaired in people who work the night shift

Shift Work May Affect the Body’s Ability to Repair DNA Damage

Lower levels of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine noted in the urine of those who worked at night

Occupation Tied to Risk of Vitamin D Deficiency

Findings may help target health promotion and preventive efforts, researchers say
A new survey of American workers finds political conflicts in the workplace are creating stress and taking a toll on job performance. The poll was conducted by the American Psychological Association.

Post-Election Political Talk Adding to Workplace Stress

Employees are feeling more stressed and cynical, and job productivity may suffer, survey finds
Data collected from a mobile phone app show that many patients with uncontrolled allergic rhinitis have some work impairment

Work Impairment Common in Uncontrolled Allergic Rhinitis

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis controlled in about 60 percent of days according to mobile phone app
There is variation in influenza vaccination coverage by industry and occupation

Variation in Occupational Influenza Vaccination Coverage

Wide variation by state in vaccination coverage among tier 1 and health care personnel groups
Exposure to fire is associated with activation of platelets

Firefighters Exhibit Increased Cardiovascular Impairment

Increased thrombus formation, increased platelet-monocyte binding with exposure to fire simulation