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Tag: Obesity

Grape polyphenols may act in the intestine to protect against metabolic syndrome

Grape Polyphenols May Protect Against Metabolic Sx Via Gut

Mouse model shows modification of microbial community structure with grape polyphenol
A new study of nearly two million people suggests that those who are overweight or obese in middle age may be less likely to develop dementia than their normal-weight and underweight peers. The report was published online April 9 in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology.

Overweight/Obesity Linked to Reduced Risk of Dementia

Large study suggests that possibility, but experts call for further research
Obesity is associated with increased odds of respiratory events and more frequent need for airway intervention in patients undergoing pediatric procedural sedation

Obesity Ups Respiratory Events in Peds Procedural Sedation

Increased odds of respiratory events, inability to complete associated procedure, prolonged recovery
For obese patients with lumbar spinal stenosis

E-Health Intervention Feasible in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Increase in physical activity and weight loss for many obese patients with LSS
People who have three or more alcoholic drinks per day could be raising their odds for liver cancer

Three Alcoholic Drinks Daily Can Up Risk of Liver Cancer

Expert panel looked at data on over eight million people to come up with risk factors for the disease
For obese adults

Binge Eating Linked to Comorbidities in Obese Adults

BED linked to risk of specific comorbidities, but associations not statistically significant
Bariatric surgery cuts the risk of an emergency department visit or hospitalization for asthma exacerbation in obese patients by half

Bariatric Surgery May Help Reduce Asthma Exacerbations

Obese asthma patients had half as many ER visits, hospitalizations after surgery
Obesity takes a huge toll on health

Cancer Odds Up 40 Percent in Obese Women

However, researchers stress that losing excess weight can lower the odds again
Short-chain fatty acids

Short-Chain Fatty Acids in Diet Stimulate Fat Utilization

Short-chain fatty acids induce receptor-dependent switch from lipogenesis to fat oxidation in mice
Given the increasing epidemic of obesity

Longer Needles Recommended for Epinephrine Autoinjectors

In 68 percent of participants, skin-to-muscle depth was greater than autoinjector needle length