Tag: Obesity
Levonorgestrel IUD Potentially Cost-Effective in Obese Women
Intrauterine device is potentially cost-effective for prevention of deaths from endometrial cancer
Study Explores Link Between Weight and Stroke Risk in Women
Being overweight ups odds for ischemic stroke, but may slightly lower chances for hemorrhagic stroke
Obesity May Up Survival in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
Obese/overweight patients survived 25.6 months, compared to 17.1 months for normal-weight patients
Prepregnancy BMI May Affect Cerebral Palsy Risk in Offspring
Slight increase in risk for overweight/obese woman, but overall odds remain low
FGF21, Dietary Intake Interaction Impacts Adiposity
FGF21 genotype interacts with dietary carbohydrate/fat intake to affect adiposity, body fat
Increased Risk of Obesity Among Cesarean-Delivered Offspring
Odds even greater when compared to siblings who were born vaginally
Antidiabetes Prescriptions 15-Fold Higher Than Antiobesity Rx
Mean increase of 25,259 prescriptions per month for SGLT2s versus 5,154 for new antiobesity meds
Obese Women Have Greater Adipose Stores of Vitamin D
Distribution of vitamin D between subcutaneous, omental adipose tissue similar for obese, non-obese
Focusing on Health Helps Curb Obesity, Eating Disorders in Teens
AAP suggests encouraging healthy lifestyle rather than focusing on weight
Duration of Adult Obesity Affects Cancer Risk in Women
Researchers find odds for four types of cancer rise significantly for every decade of obesity