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Tag: Nutritional Supplements

Upon hospital admission

Lack of Consistent Supplement Use Documentation for Inpatients

While more than half of patients used prior to hospitalization, most were not asked upon admission
Special diets or supplements for children with an autism spectrum disorder can leave children still deficient in some nutrients

Special Diets, Supplements May Be Counterproductive in ASD

These interventions are often tied to either too little or too much of certain nutrients
Chronic omega-3 fatty acid supplementation has an additive effect when combined with acute dosages of morphine in an animal model

Omega-3s May Be Useful Adjunct to Opioids in Pain Therapy

Omega-3 may reduce side effects, development of morphine tolerance
Consuming more omega-3 fatty acids may benefit patients at risk for Alzheimer's disease

Increasing Omega-3 Intake May Boost Cognitive Flexibility

Findings among those aged 65 to 75, who had gene variant APOE ε4
Many probiotic products contain traces of gluten and could cause problems for patients with celiac disease

DDW: Many Probiotics Testing Positive for Trace Gluten

Tests of 22 top-selling probiotics revealed that 12 had detectable gluten

β-Methylphenylethylamine + Exercise Can Cause Stroke

Report of stroke in woman who exercised after drinking sport supplement containing BMPEA
Fish oil supplements

Fish Oil Could Possibly Interfere With Chemotherapy

Research suggests supplements, and certain fish, might reduce effect of chemotherapy
Taking iron supplements during pregnancy doesn't appear to significantly change any health outcomes for mother or infant

USPSTF: Evidence Lacking for Routine Iron Supplementation

Task force also concludes there's too little information to recommend screening for deficiencies
Dietary omega-3 fatty acid supplementation is associated with improvement in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms for children with ADHD and typically developing children

Dietary Omega-3 Supplements Improve ADHD Symptoms

Improvement in parent-rated attention for boys with ADHD and typically developing controls
High doses of omega-3 fatty acids may protect against further damage in myocardial infarction patients

ACC: High-Dose Omega-3 Protects Heart Following MI

Survivors who took large, daily dose of prescription-only capsules showed less decline in heart function