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Health care workers who wear contaminated gloves can transfer bacteria onto hospital surfaces

Health Care Workers’ Gloves Strong Source of Contamination

Clear evidence that gloves of health care workers contaminate hospital surfaces with bacteria
Every school should have at least one full-time registered nurse

AAP Recommends at Least One Full-Time Nurse in Every School

Children's health needs are increasingly complex, requiring more time and expert care
Nurse work environment is a significant predictor of ventilator-associated pneumonia when controlling for intensive care unit physician staffing

ATS: Nurse Work Environment Predicts VAP Risk

Better nurse work environment may minimize ventilator-associated pneumonia risk
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has introduced a new campaign

CDC Establishes New ‘Clean Hands Count’ Campaign

Campaign urges health care professionals and patients and loved ones to keep hands clean
Most Danish obstetricians and midwives report having been involved in a traumatic childbirth

Doctors, Midwives Struggle With Guilt After Traumatic Childbirth

Overall, 36% to 49% of respondents report feelings of guilt; half prompted to think about meaning of life
Recommendations have been developed for emergency nurses in terms of recognizing and responding to the needs of victims of human trafficking; the position statement was published in the March issue of the Journal of Emergency Nursing.

Nurses Play Crucial Role in Identifying Victims of Trafficking

Emergency Nurses Association offers guidance to help recognize, respond to needs of victims
For patients with dementia

Sensory Interventions Can Benefit Patients With Dementia

Eight categories of sensory stimulation interventions identified, including music and light therapy
The elements of a team-based care model are described in a report published by the American Medical Association.

AMA Addresses Elements of Team-Based Care Model

New module from STEPS Forward collection describes how to bring these elements together
Timely mealtime assistance and patient positioning during the meal are tied to meal intake among hospital patients

Patient Position, Timely Help Improve Inpatient Meal Intake

40 percent of inpatients eat less than half of their meals in the hospital
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration wants to ban most powdered medical gloves

FDA: Most Powdered Medical Gloves Should Be Banned in U.S.

Side effects include airway and wound inflammation, agency says