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Number of Registered Nurses Rebounds Following Pandemic Decline


Projections for registered nurse workforce in 2035 are close to prepandemic forecasts

Palliative Telecare Team Aids QOL, Health Status for Chronic Conditions


Findings observed for veterans with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure, or interstitial lung disease

Suicide Risk Increased for Some U.S. Health Care Workers


Increased risk for suicide seen among registered nurses, health technicians, health care support workers versus non-health care workers

Child Care Stress Affects Health, Work of U.S. HCWs During Pandemic


High child care stress tied to anxiety, depression, burnout, as well as retention issues

U.S. Safety-Net Providers Report Moral Distress in Early Pandemic


Moral distress emerged from being unable to provide optimal care, seeing pandemic’s effects on patients, coworkers

COVID-19 Pandemic Tied to Burnout in Health Care Professionals


Emotional exhaustion and depersonalization increased as the pandemic wore on in 2020

Stress-Management Interventions May Aid Health Care Workers


Review generally revealed low-certainty evidence, particularly for longer-term effects

Staffing, Safety Concerns Tied to Burnout in Hospital Clinicians


Both physicians, nurses rank improving nurse staffing as the most needed intervention

Coworker Observation System Promotes Nursing Professional Accountability


Coworker Observation System uses peer-to-peer messaging to address disrespectful behavior

Interventions to Redesign Patient Care Do Not Improve Outcomes


Nurses reported improvement in median teamwork climate score, but no improvement in hospitalized patient outcomes