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Advanced Practice Providers Use ED Resources Similarly to Physicians


Findings observed after matching for severity and complexity of chest, abdominal pain

Hospitalized Health Care Workers Do Not Have Worse COVID-19 Outcomes


Health care workers have shorter length of hospitalization and less likelihood of ICU admission

Mental Health Consequences of COVID-19 ID'd Across Populations

Nurse Burnout Remains an Issue in the United States


One-third of nurses leaving their jobs cite burnout as the reason

Considerable Increase in Telemedicine Use During COVID-19

Telemedicine Use Increased Considerably During COVID-19


Telemedicine use was lower in communities with higher rates of poverty; use varied across specialties, conditions

Nurse Navigators Boost Advance Care Planning


Findings based on randomized trial integrated into outpatient primary care practices

HealthDay Reports: COVID-19 Exacts Emotional Toll on Doctors

Mental Health Disorders Common Among ICU Staff During COVID-19


45 percent of respondents met threshold for probable clinical significance on measures of depression, PTSD, anxiety, problem drinking

Many at Risk for Severe COVID-19 Have Essential Jobs

Better Hospital Nurse Staffing Tied to Fewer Sepsis Deaths


Staffing more strongly tied to deaths than adherence to mandated sepsis care bundles

Allergic Reactions to COVID Vaccines Are Rare

Laws Promoting Flu Shot for Hospital Workers Can Cut Deaths


2.5 percent drop seen in monthly pneumonia, flu mortality rates with implementation of state laws requiring hospitals to offer flu shot

Mental Health Consequences of COVID-19 ID'd Across Populations

Firearm Use Up in Female Nurse Suicides in the U.S.


Female nurses used firearms in suicides less often than other women from 2003 to 2013, but firearm use increased from 2014 to 2017

HealthDay Reports: Plan in Place to Up Production of Prefilled Syringes for Future COVID-19 Vaccine

Vaccine Rollout Slows as Many Health Care Workers Balk at Shots


In nursing homes and to some degree in hospitals, employees are refusing shots, expressing fears of side effects