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Parental Sociodemographics Linked to Child MMR Vaccine Uptake


MMR vaccination rates appear to be higher for children of parents who receive at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine

Waning Immunity Most Consistent With Recent Mumps Outbreaks


Estimated 32.8 percent of individuals lose vaccine-derived immunity by age 18 years in the United States

PRIORIX, M-M-R II Vaccines Interchangeable for MMR


Either PRIORIX or M-M-R II may be administered in any situation in which MMR vaccine is indicated

Almost One-Third of Mumps Cases in U.S. Occur in Children, Teens


Median of 87 percent of the pediatric patients each year had previously received one or more MMR vaccine dose

Many Cancer Patients Lack Immunity for Measles, Mumps


Overall seroprevalence of measles and mumps antibodies 0.75 and 0.62 for ambulatory cancer patients

Parents' Age Key to Whether Kids Get Vaccinated Against COVID

2.3 Percent of Kindergarteners Not Up to Date With MMR in 2019-2020


2.5 percent of kindergartners had an exemption, but additional 2.3 percent were not up to date and had no exemption

Antibiotic Therapy Before Age 2 May Affect Child Health

Pandemic-Related MMR Vaccine Decline Persists


Authors say catch-up strategies are necessary to ensure young children receive preventive care


Review: MMR, MMRV, MMR+V Vaccines Are Effective, Safe

Review confirms vaccines effective for preventing disease, not associated with increased risk for autism
The frequency of circulating memory B cells specific for mumps is much lower than that of those specific for measles and rubella among healthy college-aged students who were vaccinated in childhood

Decreased Humoral Immunity to Mumps Seen in Young Adults

10 percent of college-aged students vaccinated in childhood had no detectable memory B cells to mumps
There have been confirmed and probable mumps cases reported among adult migrants detained in facilities

CDC: Mumps Outbreak Reported in Migrant Detention Facilities

898 confirmed, probable mumps cases reported in adult migrants detained in 57 facilities