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Tag: Multiple Sclerosis

For females with multiple sclerosis

Exercise Reduces Fatigue, Depression, Paresthesia in MS

Females with multiple sclerosis report decreases with yoga, aquatic exercise versus non-exercise control
For patients with relapse-onset multiple sclerosis

Long-Term Treatment Benefit Seen in Relapse-Onset MS

Disease-modifying therapy protects against disability accrual over 10-year period
Clemastine fumarate partially reverses optic neuropathy in patients with multiple sclerosis

AAN: Antihistamine May Help Reverse Optic Neuropathy in MS

Vision improvement with clemastine fumarate appears modest but results are promising
A video game-based cognitive rehabilitation program is associated with changes in thalamocortical functional connectivity among patients with multiple sclerosis

Video Game-Based Cognitive Rehab Program Beneficial in MS

Intervention tied to changes in functional connectivity, correlating with cognitive improvement
Maternal serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficiency in early pregnancy is associated with increased risk of multiple sclerosis in offspring

Maternal Vitamin D Deficiency May Up MS Risk in Offspring

Maternal vitamin D deficiency in early pregnancy linked to nearly two-fold increased MS risk
Individuals who consume about six cups of coffee a day are almost one-third less likely to develop multiple sclerosis than non-drinkers

Heavy Coffee Consumption May Lower Risk of Multiple Sclerosis

Those who average six cups a day are almost one-third less likely to have MS
Multiple sclerosis patients taking daclizumab high yield process

Study of Daclizumab Yields Mixed Results in Multiple Sclerosis

Relapse rates with daclizumab were lower than with a standard therapy, but side effects were greater
Higher levels of melatonin are linked to a lower incidence of multiple sclerosis relapses during the darker months of fall and winter

Melatonin May Play a Role in Seasonal MS Relapses

Melatonin improves symptoms in mice and reduces levels of specific T cells
Multiple sclerosis progresses faster in people who continue to smoke compared to smokers who quit after their diagnosis

MS Disease Progression May Be Delayed by Smoking Cessation

Each additional year of smoking accelerates time to secondary progressive disease by 5 percent
Breastfeeding exclusively for at least two months may help new mothers with multiple sclerosis lower their risk of relapse

Breastfeeding Tied to Reduced Risk of MS Relapse Postpartum

Protective effect seems to last only about as long as exclusive nursing does