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Tag: Multiple Sclerosis

Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty seems to be safe but ineffective for patients with multiple sclerosis and chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency

Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty Ineffective in MS

Findings in patients with relapsing-remitting MS and chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency
Patients with multiple sclerosis have peripheral nerve involvement that can be visualized and quantified by high-resolution magnetic resonance neurography

MRN Helps Quantify Peripheral Nerve Involvement in MS

High-resolution magnetic resonance neurography detected lesions in all multiple sclerosis patients examined
For children with multiple sclerosis

Dietary Fat, Relapse Linked in Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis

Increase in fat, especially saturated fat, linked to increased risk of relapse
Concussion during adolescence increases the risk of subsequent multiple sclerosis diagnosis

Concussion May Increase Multiple Sclerosis Risk

Findings based upon sustaining at least one concussion during adolescence
Infection with Epstein-Barr virus or cytomegalovirus may up the risk for multiple sclerosis

More Evidence Links Epstein-Barr Virus to MS Risk

Latest study shows blacks and Hispanics also vulnerable
Progressive resistance training may slow down the progression of multiple sclerosis

Resistance Training May Help Protect Nervous System in MS

Resistance training has a number of positive effects on the brain shown by MRI
Patients should be engaged in decision-making about multiple sclerosis and the treatment options available

Shared Decision-Making Encouraged in Multiple Sclerosis

Shared decision-making includes engaging patients, comparing treatments, assessing patient values
There is no association between average 24-hour urine sodium levels and conversion from clinically isolated syndrome to clinically definite multiple sclerosis

Sodium Intake Not Linked to Multiple Sclerosis Progression

No correlation for 24-hour urine sodium levels with conversion to clinically definite MS over five years
For patients with a first demyelinating event (clinically isolated syndrome)

Risk of Conversion to Multiple Sclerosis Down With Minocycline

Treatment with minocycline reduces conversion to MS over six months after first demyelinating event
Subtle brain changes may explain why some patients with multiple sclerosis lose their ability to interpret social cues

Brain Changes in MS May Contribute to Lack of Empathy

Diffuse normal-appearing white matter damage may create disconnection in social brain network