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Tag: Multiple Sclerosis

Comorbidities increase the rate of all-cause

Comorbidities Tied to Higher Rates of All-Cause Admissions in MS Patients

But comorbidities not associated with increased hospitalizations related to multiple sclerosis
From 2011 to 2017

2011 to 2017 Saw Increase in Spending on DMTs for MS

Increase in annual expenditures on MS DMTs mainly driven by increases in per-prescription costs
Cannabis use among patients with multiple sclerosis is more likely where cannabis laws are more permissive

Marijuana Use for MS Tied to Legal Permissiveness

Most patients have accurate knowledge about the legal status of cannabis where they live
Breastfeeding may be protective against postpartum relapses in multiple sclerosis

Breastfeeding May Protect Against Postpartum Relapses in MS

Pooled summary odds ratio of 0.63 found for correlation of breastfeeding with relapse
For pediatric patients with multiple sclerosis

More Girls Admitted With Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis

Highest admission rate seen in southern part of U.S.; number of admissions highest for white children
There is uncertainty regarding the effect of exercise and other interventions on the prevention of falls in patients with multiple sclerosis

Evidence Uncertain Whether Interventions Prevent Falls in MS

There are few studies, most of which are small trials and of low quality because of study methods
The risk for disability worsening is increased for individuals with multiple sclerosis and comorbid depression

Risk for Disability Worsening Increased for MS With Comorbid Depression

Risk increased for persons with depression defined by ICD-10, those exposed to antidepressants
In a revised 2019 guideline

MENACTRIMS Guidelines for Multiple Sclerosis Updated

IFN-beta, glatiramer acetate, teriflunomide, dimethyl fumarate can be started in treatment-naive patients
Many multiple sclerosis patients are considering autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation as a treatment option

Many Multiple Sclerosis Patients Considering Stem Cell Transplant

However, many are not well-informed regarding stem cell transplants
Reduction in peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness is significantly associated with physical and cognitive disability in patients with multiple sclerosis

Retinal Nerve Fiber Loss Linked to Disability in Multiple Sclerosis

Reductions in thickness significantly associated with physical, cognitive disability