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Tag: MRI Scans

Motion-tracking magnetic resonance imaging scans of the heart can help identify people with atrial fibrillation who are at high risk for stroke

Motion-Tracking MRI May Help ID Stroke Risk in A-Fib

Altered function in left atrium of heart may lead to stroke independently
Using magnetic resonance imaging to screen people at high genetic risk for pancreatic cancer might help spot tumors early

MRI Could Be Useful Pancreatic Cancer Screen for High-Risk

Small trial suggests the scans might help
Nearly all emergency department doctors recently surveyed said they order magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scans their patients may not need

Majority of ER Doctors Admit Ordering Tests Defensively

97 percent said they had patients undergo procedures that weren't medically needed
Structural joint damage measured with magnetic resonance imaging can predict knee replacement in the following year

Abnormalities on MRI Predict Knee Replacement

Measures of structural joint damage relate to clinical prognosis in the following year
Resting-state functional brain connectivity magnetic resonance imaging can predict response to psychotherapy in major depressive disorder

Resting-State Connectivity Predicts Psychotherapy Response

Pretreatment connectivity can predict response to psychotherapy in major depressive disorder
Recommendations for the use of magnetic resonance imaging in multiple myeloma are presented in a consensus statement published online Jan. 20 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Recommendations Presented for MRI Use in Multiple Myeloma

MRI is gold standard for imaging axial skeleton, assessing painful lesions, ID'ing benign fractures
Prostate biopsies that combine magnetic resonance imaging technology with ultrasound appear to give men better information regarding the seriousness of their cancer

MRI-Targeted Prostate Biopsy May Yield Better Results

Spots more aggressive cancer, but fewer low-risk cases
Clinicians are increasingly ordering advanced imaging and referring to other physicians for headache but less often providing counseling

Clinicians Increasingly Ordering Imaging for Headaches

From 1999-2000 to 2009-2010, increases seen in use of CT/MRI, referrals to other physicians