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Tag: MRI Scans

Magnetic resonance imaging is an accurate and safe tool for the detection of low levels of iron overload in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis

MRI Effectively Measures Hemochromatosis Iron Burden

MRI tested in detection of iron stores in heart, liver and spleen, and pancreas
An abbreviated magnetic resonance imaging protocol can exclude malignancy in women with suspicious X-ray mammography screening

Abbreviated MRI Protocol Can Exclude Malignancy After Mammo

Abbreviated protocol can exclude malignancy in women with suspicious X-ray mammography
From 2003 to 2102 there was a significant increase in preoperative breast magnetic resonance imaging use in women with breast cancer

Preoperative Breast MRI Use Increased From 2003 to 2012

Eight-fold increase during 10-year period; MRI use linked to more ancillary investigations
Functional magnetic resonance imaging might someday help psychiatrists quickly determine which antipsychotic drugs work best for patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder

fMRI May Take Guesswork Out of Schizophrenia Rx

Personalized approach could eliminate trial-and-error, hasten critical time to treatment
Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder undergoing sedation for magnetic resonance imaging do not have a higher dose requirement for propofol

No Need for More Propofol for MRI Sedation in ADHD

Children with ADHD undergoing MRI do not need higher doses of sedation
Cognitive behavioral therapy can help some patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder

Functional MRI of the Brain May Help Guide Treatment for OCD

Small study suggests neural activity can point to patients who'll benefit most from CBT
A novel magnetic resonance imaging scoring system can differentiate between osteoporotic vertebral fractures and metastatic vertebral fractures

MRI Scoring System IDs Metastatic Vertebral Fractures

Novel scoring system has classification accuracy of 96.6 percent in test set
Magnetic resonance imaging can be used to visualize the effects of continuous traction on herniated lumbar intervertebral discs and their surrounding structures

MRI Can Visualize Effects of Traction on Herniated Discs

Changes include change in disc shape, reduction of herniated disc volume, widening of the facet joint
A novel implantable cardioverter-defibrillator system specifically designed for full-body magnetic resonance imaging is safe

Novel ICD System Deemed Safe for Full-Body MRI

Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator system specifically designed for full body MRI deemed safe
Among high-risk women undergoing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) screening

MRI Findings May Help Predict Development of Breast Cancer

Finding suggests scans may have value beyond detection