Tag: MRI Scans
Cerebral Blood Flow Changes in Pediatric Patients With CKD
Pediatric patients with CKD showed higher global CBF attributed to reduced hematocrit level
Mercury Released From Amalgam Fillings After High-Power MRI
In an ex vivo setting, mercury is released from amalgam fillings after exposure to 7.0-T MRI
MRI-Targeted Biopsy Noninferior for Prostate Cancer Detection
Clinically significant cancer detected in more men in MRI-targeted biopsy versus standard-biopsy group
No Benefit for MRI After Normal Cervical CT in Blunt Trauma
MRI had lower health benefit and higher cost compared with no follow-up after normal CT findings
MRI Risk Model May Cut Biopsy Use in Suspected Prostate Cancer
Inclusion of MRI-derived parameters can maintain high rate of diagnosis of clinically significant cancer
Higher Biopsy Rates for Women Undergoing Screening Breast MRI
Lower cancer yield compared to mammography alone for women with, without personal history of cancer
Education About Imaging Most Often Given by Ordering Provider
Delivery of pre-examination information to patients suboptimal; about half seek information themselves
Ketamine + Propofol Speeds Recovery for Peds MRI Sedation
Ketamine at induction with reduced propofol infusion rate leads to shorter recovery time in children
MRI Diagnostic for Differentiating Low-Grade Bladder Cancers
Diffusion-weighted imaging and use of higher field strengths further improve accuracy
MRI-Based Ovarian Morphologic Measurements Can ID PCOS
Ovarian volume, follicles per ovary measuring 9 mm or smaller were most accurate for ID'ing PCOS