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Tag: Motherhood

Child With Psoriasis Negatively Impacts Mom’s Quality of Life


Positive association seen between mothers' Family Dermatology Life Quality Index scores and children's Psoriasis Area Severity Index scores

Maternal Opioids After Delivery Not Linked to Adverse Infant Outcomes


No increase seen in likelihood of admission to hospital for any reason, and no infant deaths recorded

Social Media Program Helps Ease Symptoms of Postpartum Depression


Program did not lead to differences in responsive parenting, parenting stress, or parenting competence

Childhood Chronic Conditions Up With Maternal Schizophrenia


Children exposed to maternal schizophrenia have increased risk for mental health and non-mental health conditions

Less Intense Physical Activity Seen Among Mothers With Young, Multiple Children


Findings based on study of 848 mothers who wore an accelerometer

Mom’s Ultraprocessed Food Intake Tied to Obesity Risk in Children


Association independent of maternal and offspring lifestyle risk factors

Postpartum Depression Up With Family History of Psychiatric Disorder


Meta-analysis shows increased risk for postpartum depression among mothers with a family history of any psychiatric disorder

Risk for Complications Increased for Newborns of Moms With Disability


Risks for neonatal complications increased for newborns of women with disabilities, especially those with intellectual, developmental disability

CDC: Infant Outcomes Vary by Maternal Place of Birth


Rates of preterm birth, low birthweight, and NICU admission all varied by mother's place of birth in or outside the United States

Pretty young mother with her baby in sling working with laptop at home.

Self-Reported Postpartum Depressive Symptoms Up During Pandemic


States with greater increases in symptoms had fewer deaths from COVID-19 and lower women's unemployment rates